The Device

The Device

A Virtual Reality headset allows the elder who is riding an indoor bike to be linked to another biker who is actually biking in the outdoor. This way, the elder can freely look around to view the (real) outside world as if he or she were indeed riding the bike (telepresence).


The basic device is made by two parts, an indoor bike (a home cyclette) and an outdoor bike (a real bike), connected through a 5G-based real-time streaming system. Elders living in assisted residences will pedal on the indoor bike while wearing a virtual reality headset, which projects them onto the outdoor bike actually ridden by a biking buddy, on which are mounted a 360 deg camera with microphone and loudspeaker.

This way, the elder will feel like being riding together with the biking buddy, something similar to bike on a tandem. 

Augmented Gaze

The Telecyclette exploits a “perceptual trick” studied in research laboratory aimed at facilitating visual exploration in virtual reality. This visual function is normally accomplished by combined body/head/eye movements, which allow to readily shift the gaze around.

Yet, visual exploration may be difficult in conditions of reduced mobility – for example neck stiffness – but also when simply riding a bike, where glancing backward is not easy. In virtual reality, it is possible to modify the natural relationship between head movements and the corresponding visual shift, such that one could glance to very peripheral targets, even in the rear visual space, by turning the head just slightly. In a recent study, we found very good acceptance of augmented gaze by oldest olds during virtual biking. 

Telecyclette 2.0

In a future version, the Telecyclette will be equipped with remote control. With the current Telecyclette version, elders are transported rather passively on the outdoor bike: in order to decide where to go, and how fast, they need to ask the biking buddy.

To achieve an even more realistic and motivating experience, elders should have the possibility of effectively driving the outdoor bike (i.e., pedalling, braking and even steering).

The Telecyclette 2.0 will be a remotely-driven, semi-autonomous vehicle, for which we have recently submitted a patent request.